Jean-Jacques Cassiman

Jean-Jacques Cassiman is Professor emeritus and was division head of the Center for Human Genetics at the KU Leuven, Belgium. He was coordinated several EU projects on Cystic Fibrosis and managed the EU-funded Network of Excellence EUROGENTEST (2005-2010), which aimed at harmonizing and improving the quality of genetic testing in the EU.
He was secretary-general of the European Society of Human Genetics (1993-99); liaison officer for the ESHG to the International Federation of Human Genetics Societies (2002-2008) and President of the ESHG form 2008-2009. He was secretary of EPPOSI (European Platform for Patient Organizations, Science and Industry); vice-president of IST (Flemish Institute for Science and Technological Aspects of the Flemish Parliament). Currently he is vice-president of the Belgian Cystic fibrosis Society, Chair of the Fund for Rare diseases and Orphan drugs of the King Baudouin Foundation, President of the board of the Flemish League against Cancer (VLK) and member of the Federal Commission on Embryo research.
His genes have been passed on over two generations.