Other funding initiatives
Since its edification, the Foundation for Dystonia Research has sponsored or co-sponsored (non-limitative list) a large number of initiatives:
5th Biennial Workshop on Dystonia: Controversies in Dystonia and Parkinsonism, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata – Fondazione Santa Lucia, Nobile Collegio Chimico Farmaceutico, May 29-30, 2015, Rome, Italy (Sponsor)
4th Biennial Workshop on Dystonia: Circuits and Pathways in Dystonia and Parkinsonism, Universitá degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata - Fondazione Santa Lucia, Villa Mondragone, May 31 – June 1, 2013 Monte Porzio Catone, Rome, Italy (Sponsor)
Botulinum Toxin Training in Neurological Practice, The Movement Disorder Society, November 29-30, 2012, Rome, Italy (Sponsor)
5th International Dystonia Symposium, October 20-22, 2011, Barcelona, Spain (Gold sponsor)
- Between 2007 and 2010 FDR has contributed extensively (> US$ 750.000) to the research funding program of the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation – DMRF. Inter alia, following research projects received indirect support from FDR:
- Whole exome sequencing in dominantly inherited cervical dystonia - Coro Paisán-Ruiz, PhD - Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, US
- Long term plasticity in dystonia patients treated with deep brain stimulation - John Rothwell, PhD - University College, London, UK
- Generation and characterization of transgenic rat models of DYT1 overexpressing the entire wild type and mutant human torsinA gene - Kathrin Grundmann, MD and Olaf Riess, MD - University of Tübingen, Germany
- Examinations on the pathophysiological role of the cholinergic system in different animal models of dystonia - Angelika Richter, MD and Melanie Hamann, MD - Freie Universität Berlin, Germany