The Foundation for Dystonia Research (FDR) is committed to support and to promote research into dystonia. Finding better treatments and, in the long run, a cure for dystonia starts with frontline clinical & biological research.

  • Dystonia can currently not be cured. Treatment is aimed at reducing the symptoms and increasing the comfort and mobility of the person with dystonia

  • Dystonia adversely affects quality of life

  • Dystonia can develop at any age, although people with earlier onset dystonia are likely to have a more severe course

  • Dystonia is underdiagnosed or often misdiagnosed due to the absence of a specific diagnostic test. This means that expert clinical examination is paramount for correct diagnosis

  • Dystonia is characterized by sustained muscle contractions, often causing repetitive twisting movements or abnormal postures

Foundation Dystonia Research

The Foundation for Dystonia Research is a private, not-for-profit organization supporting research on dystonia.
Learn more about our support program.

Keizerstraat 58
2000 Antwerp, Belgium