Transcranial direct current stimulation improves neurorehabilitation of task-specific dystonia: a pilot study.
Transcranial direct current stimulation improves neurorehabilitation of task-specific dystonia: a pilot study.
Rosset-Llobet J, Fàbregas-Molas S, Pascual-Leone A. - April 1, 2014
Med Probl Perform Art. 2014 Mar;29(1):16-8.
Sensory-motor returning (SMR) can help the symptoms of task-specific focal hand dystonia. However, effects vary across patients and take many sessions. Here, we present proof of principle evidence that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can enhance these effects. We compared the effects of a combined tDCS-SMR protocol (n=4 patients) with the efficacy of SMR alone (n=30 patients). All 4 patients treated with the combined protocol showed greater improvement than those undergoing SMR alone. Results encourage a larger, parallel-group clinical trial with sham tDCS control.
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